Carousel Finance SA will provide educational institutions with 300 thousand licenses of the MyOffice Education Russian office software free of charge over the course of 10 years. … [Read More...]

South Africa Education to remain a priority in 2021
South Africa - While education continues to be a priority, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni has announced that government will in the next three years trim expenditure … [Read More...]

Educational activities during lockdown
Educational Activities - Lockdown is a difficult time, especially for the youngest members of our families who don’t always understand why they are not able to see … [Read More...]

SAN FRANCISCO - A new poll released by Common Sense/SurveyMonkey shows that teens are taking the coronavirus more seriously than some may think. Despite 59% of teens surveyed saying that online learning is worse than in-person schooling—with almost one-fifth (19%) characterizing it as "much worse"—fewer than one in … [Read More...]

USA - The National Science Foundation awards prestigious grant to Dr. Kelly Dorgan of The Sea Lab at Dauphin Island and the University of South Alabama … [Read More...]