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Newsletter article on learning and the brain - Printable Version

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Newsletter article on learning and the brain - OECD - 10-10-2005

PILOTed is a monthly newsletter on online learning, their October issue is on Learning and the brain: what can we learn from what we now know about the brain. Over the past year, I’ve seen more and more references to “scientifically based learning” or techniques that purport to incorporate the latest findings from what we know about the brain. So I’ve been researching what is known about the brain and how that could be applied to education and learning.

You can view and subscribe to this newsletter here if interested.


Newsletter article on learning and the brain - AnnaLCM - 31-10-2005

The Infinite Mind, is a national, weekly public radio series focusing on the art and science of the human mind, and the biology of human behavior. The program airs in more than 240 markets across the U.S. including such top 10 cities as New York, Washington, DC, Detroit, Atlanta and Boston, reaching more than one million listeners weekly. With more than 30 major broadcast awards, The Infinite Mind is public radio’s most honored and listened to health and science program.
Order The Infinite Mind for educational and classroom use including a one-hour audio CD and transcript. This educational package comes with the rights to use the programs for all educational and classroom uses. Visit www.theinfinitemind.com for more information and a complete program listing.