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Piaget - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Piaget (/Thread-Piaget)

Piaget - Christina - 30-09-2005

A wonderful video on Jean Piaget:


Piaget - segarama - 30-09-2005

Smile This is a good video...worth really taking a look see. Thank you Chritina for this. Please scroll back to OECD expert's URL....

Piaget - segarama - 30-09-2005

Smile Piaget is a good study. The Jon Piaget Society is excellent. You saw a very good background on Piaget with OECD expert's video. Please take a look at the Piaget Society's Website Url retrieved 9-28-05.
URL: http://www.piaget.org/
Smile Rob

Piaget - segarama - 11-01-2006

January 11, 2006

Piaget has made it perfectly clear that when learning, we assimilate, accommodate and equalibrium should occur [between assimilation and accommodation]. Well it seem to me that that he is discribing the brain. Is he; his theory came out long before the decade of the brain and the wonderful noninvasive technology that we now are able to use...
Please let me know what you think in terms of Piaget's three terms being applicable to the brain. I believe that it is....