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Every human child made perfect - Printable Version

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Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 28-01-2011

John Nicholson on the 20th of January 2011.

This is obviously the most important piece of writing that I have ever attempted to do.

[SIZE="5"]Approximately fifteen years ago. I discovered something extraordinary on a television programme made in Hong Kong, Very young children around four to six years of age were shouting answers to arithmetic questions, that European children of the same age could not have answered, as fast as their master wrote questions on the blackboard the children were answering the questions. I felt that children with such advance ability must have an IQ fifty points higher than European children. We were then shown the Chinese children were using on Abacus. I was relieved that they then might not be more intelligent than European children. This was confirmed when the abaci were removed. Regular experience with the Abacus had provided them with a mental map of mathematics; this enabled very young children to understand arithmetic quite easily. For me this observation and realisation took less than ten minutes.

The realisation of just how quickly children can be taught mathematics, has led me to become fascinated by the possibilities of the human brain. At last scientists are beginning to understand that children in normal health are born with the most fantastic ability, far beyond our previous concept of normal intelligence. Science now understands that our average natural ability, is unlikely to play any more than a twenty % part of our adult intelligence.

In considering an illustration of adult intelligence we may consider it to be a student coming out of University.

The final reality of adult intelligence however is most likely to be far more difficult to measure, then we have previously considered possible. If it is ever to be a measurable prospect we will have to consider many more practical ability measurements, if it is to become a worthwhile exercise.

Our intelligence grows naturally. Science has at last realised our a final achievements are dependant entirely on our education combined with our determination, bearing in mind that we can most likely never reach a final measurable intelligence point, it is obviously preferable to describe final intelligence has adult intelligence.

I was 55 years of age, my experience was related to agriculture, I had learned to read very quickly at the local village school, but my spelling ability has always been completely atrocious, and now at seventy years of age it is never likely to be improved, but to be truthful I never regarded spelling to be of any importance whatsoever, thousands of hours of spelling lessons, are unlikely to improve the basic background of human intelligence.
The developer of the game scrabble where we are forming words, was obviously a teacher, doing what I consider I do myself, trying to arrange teaching, in a less formal manner, where the child's attention is naturally, 100% on the lessons that they do not realise they are having.

Until we are locked into any study, on virtually any subject, it is quite difficult for human beings to concentrate. There are always many outside activities taking place, which appear to be far more interesting than the matters that are under consideration. Ensuring that education provides fascinating lessons, is something that we are going to be engrossed with over the next ten to fifteen years, something which clearly we have not spent sufficient time with over the past twenty years.

Miss reading our natural human ability has been our downfall, natural human ability is spread widely around the different races throughout the world. In a normal health situation, clearly we all inherit our species brain, but what we do not inherit is a common code of vital child procedure that will ensure the maximum amount of natural vital fact creation and in some cases even the minimum language experience vital to developing normal speech.

Any failure to develop normal speech will also be a failure to develop normal intelligence at the higher levels of natural possibility. The possible levels of baby’s natural intelligence development are not well understood at this present time but new research carried out by the likes of Washington University and others, are most likely, shortly, to be able to make recommendations and give guidelines on the basic levels of desired growth in baby’s intelligence and procedure that will ensure adequate stimulation by parents and carers.

Starting with a standard appreciation of the human intelligence, we have no more excuse for failure to teach children left. Quite obviously many excuses for failure to teach children correctly, have been developed, I am not claiming anything other than that some children can find it easier than others to learn, that can clearly be seen, though we must consider, what previous experience each child may have. This always has a bearing on what we may be learning at any particular moment. In order to develop a systematic approach I have concentrated my work entirely on basic skills, to avoid controversy and simplify my studies.

I consider the 15 years that I have spent studying problems associated with basic skills, to be the most valuable 15 years of my life,[/SIZE]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 30-01-2011

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkRed"]This is exactly the type of family help we can all give our own children.

:adder: http://www.system-one-4-every-1.co.uk/abacusone.html

Parents cannot understand what a difference to their own children’s abilities they can make, with just a few minutes regular daily memory creation exercises. [/COLOR]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 30-01-2011

Every human child made perfect, this possible realisation is my spur, at seventy years of age I should have finished my life’s work, but it will never be finished until ever parent in the world knows exactly what they can do for their own children, obviously I cannot reach every parent in the world directly even with the assistance of the internet, but I should be able to reach every government,

[SIZE="5"]on the 15th of September my seventieth birth day I sent a simple written in words abacus to every member of the British government my intention was that every member of every party with a vote in the houses of parliament should have the opportunity to investigate further basic skills education, I take the view that if they ignore what I have spent fifteen years of unpaid work doing, also if they cannot be bothered to enquire or investigate what I am saying for themselves, that I and the British population as a whole can hold little hope for any changes in British education whatsoever.
To ensure that the British population as whole will be fully informed of my simple ideas and the extent that they themselves can alter their own children’s education, I realise first that I have to speak first with the minister of education himself, asking him to simply inform the primary school head teachers of my research and the simple low or no cost solutions that I have evolved over the last fifteen years.
Close examination of my research conclusions and parental teaching/showing answers’ that are needed to be introduced in every primary school if we (the general public) are ever to be able to reach every parent at the essential time of their children’s life, where parental assistance to develop our own children’s basic skills education to the point of individual perfection that I consider to be possible, then my personal challenge will still obviously be unfulfilled.

This means that only a public demonstration by my self reaching the general public will stand any chance of being nationally reported and the only chance that individual parents will be able to take advantage of my research free practical solutions simply through having the knowledge that these simple solutions are readily available for every one.:adder:

Should broad failure to establish trials fail to be established during February and March, before the first day of April, April fools day I shall parade a pig on a lead to illustrate government ignorance, around the house of fools that we call parliament. [/SIZE]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 01-02-2011

[COLOR="DarkRed"]January 31, 2005
What does philosophy have to do with evolution?

[SIZE="5"]Intelligent design, science and philosophy have a great deal in common.
Thales of Miletus (624-547 B.C.) is widely regarded as the "first" philosopher for his insights into the workings of nature. While people of his time understood the natural world through mythology, Thales invested in a critical style of thinking. Through mathematical calculation, he accurately predicted a solar eclipse that occurred in 585 B.C. His famous statement that "everything is water" was one of the earliest attempts to account for the physical aspects of a changing world.
By today's standards "everything is water" seems too simplistic, but in his time it represented an important step away from mythological constructions of reality. In the ancient world of Thales, one can count a number of philosophers who were equally significant to the development of science. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) not only wrote on ethics, rhetoric and poetics, he also composed studies of biology and physics. His concept of "causality" attempted to introduce a material understanding of reality into the philosophical conversations of his generation and generations that were to follow.
After the ancients and philosophers of late antiquity, we can turn to medieval philosophy for additional instances of the relationship between science and philosophy. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 A.D.) was deeply interested in the nature of reality and its theological implications. His logical proofs for the existence of God share a great deal with the concept of "intelligent design," especially the idea of teleology. The French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650), the father of modern philosophy, was a "natural scientist" and mathematician who made great advances in "analytical geometry." Like other modern philosophers from the 17th century onward, Descartes' interests included physics and physiology. During the 18th century, for instance, what we understand as "science" today was pre-figured as "natural philosophy" and leading Enlightenment philosophers, including Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), taught courses on natural phenomena. Not exactly science by our standards, these courses rested largely on ideas from metaphysics and ordinary observation. With the birth of modern science and the availability of better technology, "natural philosophy" underwent a series of continued transformations — many initiated by Sir Isaac Newton's "The Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy," published in 1729. The philosophers of the Enlightenment were influenced by this work and viewed it as an opportunity to redefine philosophy's purpose. In fact, Immanuel Kant accepted Newton's laws, but came to view our understanding of those laws as predicated on subjective experience. Today, "the philosophy of science" is a thriving field. Many important philosophers over the centuries have made valuable contributions to the development of science. In many ways, science has important connections to "natural philosophy." This history that I have sketched leads inevitably to the status of ID as a scientific theory and the largely philosophical claims of ID as it pertains to the origin of life. Since biologists seem to have rejected ID on scientific grounds, perhaps the conversation about the origin of life should take place within the wider spaces of religion, philosophy or natural philosophy.
How does life as we know it begin? Isn't this the question that gives rise to the "alternative perspective" underpinning ID? Philosophers have asked this question, too. What does philosophy have to do with the issue? Everything, it seems, if one wishes to challenge or validate claims in a logical way. If evolution cannot, as ID claims, account for the genesis of life, then what other ways of thinking critically do we have? Evolutionary biology states that an answer has not yet been found. ID asserts that evolutionary biology has reached an impasse on the question of the beginning of life. In this debate, ID seems to point beyond the scientific paradigm for a "scientific" answer. In claiming that small complex organisms are irreducible to less complex smaller organisms, ID invites two possibilities.
The first is that none have been found yet, which is science's response.
The second is that none are possible "in nature" and therefore they (simple-complex organisms) must have been fabricated by something outside the natural order. The latter poses an interesting metaphysical problem that Aristotle identified as the "uncaused cause." Or, how do you go from nothing to something?
In philosophy and religion there are numerous examples that ask the question of origins. Myths from African and Native American cultures tell of "maker" gods that fashion clay or mud into living things. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic account portrays God not as a maker but as a creator; that is, God brings creation forward from nothing (ex nihilo), which resonates with ID. In all these accounts something outside the natural order designs life, which is contrary to science that holds that all phenomena will have a natural cause — not an "uncaused cause."
While an overwhelming number of scientists conclude that ID fails the science test, the question of origins may still have a place in discussions of philosophy, religion and myth. Furthermore, thousands of years of human questioning and pursuit of the origins of life do not rise or fall on the merits of ID. Philosophy, religion and myth may not provide scientifically sound accounts of creation, but no one says they need to, either. There may be other meanings to take from these nonscientific perspectives of humankind's origin — things that science cannot tell us that relate to how we understand ourselves and how we understand our moral obligations to each other. In this respect, the story of creation may not only be about our biological beginning. It also may be about a "human" beginning, a topic clearly for philosophy and religion.
Victor Taylor is an associate professor of comparative literature, philosophy and religion at York College.

What does philosophy have to do with evolution? [/SIZE]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 02-02-2011

Among the most serious educational challenges facing the United States AND THE REST OF THE WORLD is the largediscrepancy in academic performance between children from different economic backgrounds.

[SIZE="5"]Children from impoverished backgrounds achieve at a much lower level than other studentsthroughout the course of schooling (e.g., Alexander and Entwisle, 1988; Geary, 1994; 2006).One important reason is that these children start school with far less academic knowledge thanpeers from more affluent families; substantial differences are present even before children startkindergarten. Although these differences in preschoolers’ knowledge are present in manysubjects, they appear to be especially substantial in knowledge of mathematics (Case, Griffin, &Kelly, 1999). Crucial to understanding this phenomenon is specifying the types of mathematicalknowledge on which the discrepancy is present. On nonverbal numerical tasks, preschoolers’performance does not vary with economic background (Ginsburg & Russell, 1981; Jordan,Huttenlocher, & Levine, 1992; Jordan, Levine, & Huttenlocher, 1994). However, on tasks withverbally stated or written numerals, the knowledge of preschoolers and kindergartners from low-income families lags far behind that of peers from more affluent families. The differences areseen on a wide range of foundational tasks: recognizing written numerals, reciting the countingstring, counting sets of objects, counting up or down from a given number other than one, addingand subtracting, and comparing numerical magnitudes (Ginsburg & Russell, 1981; Griffin, Case,& Siegler, 1994; Jordan, Huttenlocher, & Levine, 1992; Jordan, Kaplan, Olah, & Locuniak,2006; Jordan, Levine, & Huttenlocher, 1994; Saxe, Guberman, & Gearhart, 1987; Starkey, Klein,& Wakeley, 2004; Stipek & Ryan, 1997).

These early differences in mathematical knowledge have an enduring impact.Kindergartners’ performance on tests of mathematical knowledge is predictive of mathematicalachievement in third, fifth, and eighth grade, and even in high school (Duncan et al., 2007;Stevenson & Newman, 1986).

This stability over time of individual differences in mathematicalknowledge exemplifies the typical positive relation between early and later knowledge(Bransford et al., 1999), but the stability of individual differences in math is unusually great.

Confusedickly: we have failed our children :pcprob:

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 06-02-2011

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Dear Friend
Thank you very much for forwarding the Minister of state`s reply to your contact with him previously. I have read it with great care, as of this moment I have not made a personal approach to you until this week since my birthday in September, I have recently asked for a meeting with you. So it is that after reading this letter I felt that it would be helpful to you, if I was to give you a better explanation of just what I am trying to achieve. I am in total agreement with the observations made by the minister of state in regarding synthetic phonics teaching in schools in the UK.[/COLOR]

[SIZE="5"]My work on reading abilities is more aimed at training within the family, we cannot expect young mothers to work with their own children, unless we provide them with something they can understand and accomplish easily, teaching your own child to chant the rhythmic six line alphabet, I utilise, to perfect recognition of alphabet sound and letter combination, it is a basic first step in reading. To automatically recognise every letter in the alphabet is as important in reading as it obviously is to recognise every number in counting.
Assimilation of the alternative sounds of letters can be taught with difficulty or assimilated quite naturally, some teachers still believe it is more difficult to teach the phonetic sounds of letters where children have been taught to recognise the alphabet in alphabet sound previously.
Mr Jolly of Jolly Phonics, as always recognised that all children should learn their alphabet as a first step.
Chanting in rhythm can be achieved by any child as fast as it naturally learns to speak, if mothers were encouraged to do this, reading the alphabet and linking the letter shape and sound together would easily establish these two learning programs as one. They can be fixed like rock in a child’s mind.
I have developed a pack of letters that can be manufactured by a playing card manufacturer quite easily, laying out the alphabet in a six line rhythmic layout of low case letters, provides any child with a template where letters can be overlaid, this exercise will established a permanent memory of sound and sight combination quickly. The template costs nothing more than pence for copying.
This is suitable for the parents to train a healthy three year old with, themselves.
ALSO small model three dimensional objects can placed on the letters, to help letter recognition and alternated to help the child’s own natural assimilation of the alternative letter sounds.
This three dimensional letter recognition is very useful, for instance writing e double gg on an egg and placing the egg on an e always creates a perfect memory of the position of the e on an alphabet template. Large letters printed on cards in low case letters between two light blue lines with an indication as to the top and bottom of the letter prevent the child mixing up letter shapes before they have been committed to permanent memory. Only low case letters should be used in this early letter recognition training. Children easily pick up recognition ability as to capital letters themselves once the low case letters are committed to perfect memory.
My abacus, Abacus One is quickly understood, but only by demonstration can a teaching program be fully developed, so parents need lessons themselves before they can use it effectively. Only Montessori training of British teachers prepares them naturally to be able to utilise an abacus in teaching. Three to four hours of training is required to teach a parent, a teaching assistant or a trained teacher without any personal Abacus experience, in how to utilise any abacus in a regular teaching program. Abacus One is easier to understand then either a Japanese, Chinese, Russian, or a Slavic Abacus. A parent with teaching experience using an abacus to teach a three year old child can quickly bring about a very early understanding of arithmetic processes, Japanese children are sometimes coached in order to create extensive visual memory of procedure to multiply and divide large numbers, I consider this type of teaching unnecessary. With Abacus One any numeric novice of any age will need it until their mental ability enables them to solve the question being put to them as part of any teaching plan, without using the Abacus.
With Abacus One we have a starting or a polishing up point of maths potential for any age group from three years upwards, when we include a template and letter cards with instructions we have all that is needed to provide a committed parent with a starting program to build its own child’s ability in early arithmetic and letter recognition ability preceding reading practise. As science regarding understanding children’s minds is more fully understood, the child`s natural intelligence will clearly become more integrated with teaching practise, my personal research leads me to believe we have consistently underestimated the child’s ability to understand well developed teaching programs suitable for them at this point in their pre school life. I believe the visual copying exercises that I have developed in System One 4 every 1 will become standard practise in preschool education once thorough trials are set up on a broader front.
In the meantime every country using an Abacus in its early education is developing mathematic understanding in all age groups beyond the levels being achieved by British and American Schools with the exception of schools utilising the tried and tested Montessori teaching programs.
I believe that simply by introducing Abacus One as the standard procedure in early arithmetic training we can leapfrog all the countries at present ahead of us, the child’s natural mental ability to follow physical procedure is easily proven, my pre abacus exercises are already clearly explained on the web site,” System One 4 every 1” . these exercises carried out daily until perfected are a quick daily reminder, children that are most alert will naturally lead these procedures in a few minutes before the work with the abacus itself starts. It is my vision that eventually parents will understand that children can be taught to read and early mathematics with limited resources by using a standard system. Eventually government provision of the resources with the recommended teaching program on discs may prove to have advantages throughout every child’s formal school life.
Our primary schools could immediately utilise Abacus One in early teaching of arithmetic, twenty sums of varying levels of difficulty could become a regular home work task, growing in complexity over anything up to two years, a child starting with an abacus one will no longer need it by their seventh birthday with parents bringing slower initial learning students up to speed and assisting in times table perfection.
Using Abacus One and simple chanting, combines a habit of procedure and memory of chant, for instance chanting the ten times tables and simply moving up counters with those numbers written on them gives a clear easy memory of procedure and written name for each ten.
Seeing each number, quickly cements a picture memory of that word, every child using abacus one soon knows how to read every number on it. It is far easier for a child to remember a chant for counting ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred the child also sees the relationship between the single number and the ten quite easily.
Compare that chant made rhythmically with, one ten is ten two tens are twenty three tens are thirty, for a four or five year old the chant is quicker to learn established years earlier then with traditional times tables .
So with the abacus we simple teach them to count and visualise, in the first term maybe one week for each chant, but we can show four chants very easily, the chanting ten to one hundred , then count in fives to one hundred, then count by pushing up tens and single numbers together to chant eleven twenty two thirty three,
Next we show one nine, then a second by adding one ten and subtracting one from the nine shown a second ten and subtract one more from the original nine, and so on until we finally show ninety nine.
With Abacus one it is easy for us to show physical procedure of subtraction and addition so building a real visual memory, which is easily able to be recreated in order for any child to follow mentally as in order to answer arithmetic questions .
This is what I saw happen with Chinese children fifteen years ago, any child can visualise these procedures even a blind child taught with an Abacus.
Every child I have been involved with in developing “Abacus One” and “System One 4 every 1” has made rapid progress in reading once their basic arithmetic has been established,
It is obviously far easier to teach any child basic arithmetic in this manner than any other method and there for the regular reading involved is opening the same neural pathways that the child needs to read with, clearly we are building additional mental ability developing intelligence creation quite naturally and easily at the earliest possible point in the child life where the state is involved.


Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 09-02-2011

[SIZE="5"]Tuesday the eighth of February 2011

For every piece of research that I have saved over the last fifteen years. I have read ten times more. From the research papers that I have saved, I have extracted only the vital, it is quite difficult for me to write clearly, simply because I can only type with one finger, and in the main I use Dragon speech to create my written work with. Sometimes of course I am so eager to write just what I have been thinking, that I tend to neglect correction when I should not.

Last night I could not sleep, so after a busy day where I had been thinking reading and considering, I felt that I should give a further explanation just as to what I was thinking reading and considering, to my local MP and through him to the government also to any one who reads my Ideas. My main area of continuing concern is the future. Not my future because that is strictly limited in time, what I am considering is our human future.

[SIZE="6"]Here are some startling figures directly drawn from the new scientist, 5th Feb. 2011 these figures are presented by Lester Brown president of the earth policy Institute. The article is headed one minute with Lester Brown, he says, to our evening dinner table there will be 219,000 more people than the previous evening. There are 250 million people already surviving from the water which is not been replaced in India and China, alongside that there are 3 billion people looking for advantages towards a better diet, Lester Brown's figures work out approximately seventy six and a half million people more on the planet every year. The only way we can survive, is through the very best science and application of science that we can manage. My own efforts towards science are aimed entirely on trying to understand the capabilities of the human mind. For myself as a farmer the most appalling figure that he relates, is that out of a crop of 400,000,000 tonnes of cereals produced in North America already 119,000,000 tonnes of that is being turned ethanol, I have always said that when petrol can be produced at the same cost from cereals, then it will be God help the poor, because those peoples with sufficient money will hardly change their habits, to assist those peoples without sufficient food.[/SIZE]

On a farm any form of activity, like reading thinking or reflection, alongside debate, is not considered to be work. So I assess myself as nothing more than idle dreamer, I dream of a better world, the world were my own grandchildren with live happily, not taking drugs, not putting pressure on society, able to do what I was prevented from doing by an illegal conspiracy between Unilever and the Midland bank. My farming career was brought to a sudden halt, but what happened to me, should not happen to others, integrity in business, is vital. Integrity within politics is even more vital, integrity and our approach to everyone else we share this planet with his even more vital then that.

It was quite by chance, that I discovered the simplicity, of the abacus, It was only ten minutes before I understood that a child using an abacus, could understand mathematics visually, this morning in a conversation with my son he told me that one of his children, had picked up the abacus to show his maternal grandfather, how to count to one hundred, nothing extraordinary about that, except that he closed his eyes tight shut to do it.

I have spent fifteen years reading things that concern our human future, I consider that we are all born in normal health with adequate intelligence, systemising the way we are taught to read and write count and think, is vital to us. One hundred years ago Maria Montessori brought children out of mental hospitals, previously regarded as idiots, we need look no further than our government for idiots if they fail to adopt the abacus, and everything else that it brings with it. Simply by utilising an abacus all children can be brought to a superior level of understanding arithmetic and all the process that are required to understand more advanced mathematics. This stimulation of mental ability provides the neurological pathways by which every child depends in order to be able to read. As for the English speaking peoples, our countries are generally the most advanced in science engineering and in the manner in which they live. The English-speaking peoples lead the world in humanity towards their fellow men, but yet we have failed to utilise man's oldest invention. We failed to utilise it, simply because of the ease by which our well educated found the decimal system and the provision of simple mathematics utilising numerals, provided for our intellectuals and thinkers with a method of calculation superior in itself to the abacus.

The horror of the situation is that the English-speaking nations have so far failed to follow Maria Montessori, in mathematics teaching efficiently and quickly, by simply utilising the design of the abacus, alongside this simple visual mathematics understanding, easily displayed and understood addition sums using the fingers in a systematic manner establish early numeric understanding, so as well as utilising the abacus, which English-speaking teachers do not generally understand, we have a preschool maths teaching system dependent on the fingers, there are few children without ten fingers and ten toes to count on so I am sure we can contrive no better alternative method of education for all our children. So it is that we have a pre-abacus demonstration of every arithmetic process we are required to know before we actually utilise the abacus to perfect our education in arithmetic. Once the early lessons capable of being taught by the abacus are understood the abacus one map, costing nothing to produce can be utilised for concept proofing, Four children together utilising an abacus one map. One older child teaching three younger children, all four of them enjoy reading that map, building confidence in arithmetic, concentrating on the numbers been created and utilised will ensure that we English-speaking peoples, will rapidly regain our forefront in the world of education, not just world education for the few, but brilliant education for the many. Once early reading and mathematics teaching are understood clearly by the parent, alongside the long-term value of those early lessons then our education in all our schools will accelerate beyond the levels we have ever previously seen.

My personal imagination in regards to our educational future, are exactly the same for every child no matter the circumstances of any child's birth, every healthy child can be quickly brought to the highest level of arithmetic and reading capability no matter the circumstances of their birth or the abject poverty the majority of the world's children live among. Only by the concept of universal education can we expect to live a civilised life with the capabilities of scientifically developing our world in order to stabilise our human existence in a sustainable manner.

Either goverment or the television programmes will ask the question what are you doing here, or you will already be doing it, as regards the world's children's all of them will be the beneficiaries of System one 4 every 1
My vision of the future is simple, it is directly three sided, in the beginning we have research& creativity turned towards the parents at same time also towards the teachers. To teach all parents we must perfect this visual/ verbal link in the times tables, early counting and early letter recognition in both alphabetic and phonic sounds, relying on teachers to assist parents to develop a successful parental teaching program.[/SIZE]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 23-02-2011

[SIZE="5"]1st point using a standard system means total cover for every parent is possible.

2nd point chanting and physical links are standard therefore reduced to a minimum.

3rd the physical memory is turned quickly into a realisation.

4th repetition is quickly retained because we keep on teaching & perfecting until assimilated.

5th perfected process`s cover number meaning in our language written word and numeral.

6th no writing words or numerals is essential initially.

7th a sum a second builds high speed calculation ability.

8th using abacus one to add and subtract builds awareness of place value and mechanical process.

9th using abacus one creates a counting ability in every number from one to twelve perfectly.

10th working as a group using an abacus one map, extends place value realisations, concentrating up to four children’s minds for lengthy process practice whereby a perfected memory of early arithmetic is assured for life.

This systematic teaching prepares every child for progressing normally through all further mathematic teaching.


that is not the only thing it prepares the child to accomplish, consistent reading and processing prepares the child`s neural pathways, in order that reading is assimilated at a much earlier age and at a far higher level of age ability comparison.








Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 24-02-2011

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Here is a Japanese neuroscience website showing the use of a graph, very much
an improvement on a the usual pictures of brain activities also to be seen.[/COLOR][/SIZE]








Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 25-02-2011

Nerve Bundles in Visual Cortex of the Brain in Blind People May Process Sense of Touch
ScienceDaily (Feb. 25, 2011) — The Stripe of Gennari develops even in those who are blind from birth and does not degenerate, despite a lack of visual input. This was discovered by Robert Trampel and colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences using magnetic resonance imaging. This bundle of nerve fibers, which is approximately 0.3 mm thick, is not exclusively responsible for optic information.[/COLOR]

[SIZE="5"]In the blind, it might play a greater role in processing tactile stimuli. This could contribute to an enhanced sense of touch and support fast reading of Braille. (Cerebral Cortex, Online 10. 02. 2011)
The Stripe of Gennari -- also known as the 'Stria of Gennari' -- transverses the gray matter of the primary visual cortex as a distinct white line. "Although the visual cortex is one of the best-studied parts of the brain, and the Stripe of Gennari is a rather obvious structure, why it develops and what its function is has not previously been studied in detail," explains Robert Trampel from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. "An obvious connection with sight was assumed."
However, as is now clear, this cannot be the only function of the stripe of Gennari: In a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, the researchers found the stripe of Gennari in the brains of congenitally blind subjects. "This brain structure therefore can't exclusively be involved in vision and must be capable of carrying out other tasks," says Trampel. In the blind, the Stripe of Gennari could play a role in supporting the sense of touch, the scientists speculate. "This faculty is essential in reading Braille and the region carrying the Gennari-Stripe is known to show an increased activity in the blind when performing this task." All participants in the present study were highly proficient in reading Braille, having responded to an advertisement written in Braille in a newspaper for the visually impaired.
However, since the stripe of Gennari is already present in the first years of life and does not degenerate, it is likely to have an important role already in early infancy. In blind people, the brain uses tactile and acoustic stimuli to construct a rough spatial representation of the surroundings in the absence of visual information. The stripe of Gennari might play a role in this process and could later support highly demanding tactile tasks, like Braille-reading. In future studies with fMRI, the researchers aim to learn more about the work of this versatile nerve bundle in the human brain.

Brains of Blind People Reading in Braille Show Activity in Same Area That Lights Up When Sighted Readers Read

ScienceDaily (Feb. 22, 2011) — The portion of the brain responsible for visual reading doesn't require vision at all, according to a new study published online on Feb. 17 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. Brain imaging studies of blind people as they read words in Braille show activity in precisely the same part of the brain that lights up when sighted readers read. The findings challenge the textbook notion that the brain is divided up into regions that are specialized for processing information coming in via one sense or another, the researchers say.

"The brain is not a sensory machine, although it often looks like one; it is a task machine," said Amir Amedi of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. "A brain area can fulfill a unique function, in this case reading, regardless of what form the sensory input takes."

Unlike other tasks that the brain performs, reading is a recent invention, about 5400 years old. Braille has been in use for less than 200 years. "That's not enough time for evolution to have shaped a brain module dedicated to reading," Amedi explained.

Nevertheless, study coauthor Laurent Cohen showed previously in sighted readers that a very specific part of the brain, known as the visual word form area or VWFA for short, has been co-opted for this purpose. But no one knew what might happen in the brains of blind people who learn to read even though they've had no visual experience at all.

In the new study, Amedi's team used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neural activity in eight people who had been blind since birth while they read Braille words or nonsense Braille. If the brain were organized around processing sensory information, one might expect that Braille reading would depend on regions dedicated to processing tactile information, Amedi explained. If instead the brain is task oriented, you'd expect to find the peak of activity across the entire brain in the VWFA, right where it occurs in sighted readers, and that is exactly what the researchers found.

Further comparison of brain activity in blind and sighted readers showed that the patterns in the VWFA were indistinguishable between the two groups.

"The main functional properties of the VWFA as identified in the sighted are present as well in the blind, are thus independent of the sensory modality of reading, and even more surprisingly do not require any visual experience," the researchers wrote. "To the best of our judgment, this provides the strongest support so far for the metamodal theory [of brain function]," which suggests that brain regions are defined by the tasks they perform. "Hence, the VWFA should also be referred to as the tactile word form area, or more generally as the (metamodal) word form area."

The researchers suggest that the VWFA is a multisensory integration area that binds simple features into more elaborate shape descriptions, making it ideal for the relatively new task of reading.

"Its specific anatomical location and its strong connectivity to language areas enable it to bridge high-level perceptual word representation and language-related components of reading," they wrote. "It is therefore the most suitable region to be taken over during reading acquisition, even when reading is acquired via touch without prior visual experience."

Amedi said the researchers plan to examine brain activity as people learn to read Braille for the first time, to find out how rapidly this takeover happens. "How does the brain change to process information in words?" he asked. "Is it instantaneous?"[/SIZE]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 25-02-2011

People Blind from Birth Use Visual Brain Area to Improve Other Senses: Can Hear and Feel With Greater Acuity
ScienceDaily (Oct. 10, 2010) — People who have been blind from birth make use of the visual parts of their brain to refine their sensation of sound and touch, according to an international team of researchers led by neuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC).
Published in the journal Neuron, the scientists say this finding helps explain why the blind have such advanced perception of these senses -- abilities that far exceed people who can see, they say.

[SIZE="5"]Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the researchers found that the blind use specialized "modules" in the visual cortex that process the spatial location of an object when a person localizes it in space. More generally, they believe that the different functional attributes that make up vision, such as analysis of space, patterns, and motion, still exist in the visual cortex of blind individuals. But instead of using those areas to understand what the eyes see, the blind use them to process what they hear and touch because the same components are necessary to process information from those senses.


In this experiment, which included researchers from Belgium and Finland, 12 sighted and 12 blind participants agreed to perform a set of auditory or tactile tasks. "We know that in the blind, the brain reroutes other sensory inputs to unused portions of the brain to compensate for loss of sight, but we wondered what specifically the visual cortex in these individuals was doing," Rauschecker says. "The visual cortex is one of the largest and most powerful parts of the brain, with about 40 different specialized modules. By comparison, the auditory processing center in the brain only has about 20 modules."
In one task, volunteers wore stereo headphones while in the fMRI machine, and they reported where in space the variety of sounds they heard came from. In the other test, they wore piezo-electric vibrators on each finger, and the goal was to report which finger was being gently stimulated.
"We found that the visual cortex in the blind was much more strongly activated than it was in the sighted, where visual cortex was mostly deactivated by sounds and touch," Rauschecker says. "Furthermore, there was a direct correlation between brain activity and performance in the blind. The more accurate blind people were in solving the spatial tasks, the stronger the spatial module in the visual cortex was activated.
"That tells us that the visual cortex in the blind takes on these functions and processes sound and tactile information which it doesn't do in the sighted," he says. "The neural cells and fibers are still there and still functioning, processing spatial attributes of stimuli, driven not by sight but by hearing and touch. This plasticity offers a huge resource for the blind."
Clinically, the results suggest that these powerful senses may potentially be harnessed to help the blind better navigate in their world, Rauschecker says. For example, GUMC researchers, collaborating with colleagues in Belgium, are developing goggles that process visual stimuli and turn them into auditory cues that help guide the blind. This sensory substitution device is now being tested in volunteers.
Co-authors of the study include Laurent A. Renier, PhD and Anne G. DeVolder, PhD from the Université Catholique de Louvain, in Brussels; Irina Anurova, PhD and Synnöve Carlson, PhD from Aalto University School of Science and Technology in Helsinki; and John VanMeter, PhD, from GUMC.
This work was funded by the National Eye Institute, the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the National Science Foundation, the Academy of Finland, and the Belgian American Educational Foundation.[/SIZE]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 07-03-2011

[SIZE="5"]My letter of thanks to Graham Stuart.
Thanking you Graham for meeting Professor Hagston and myself
A small section from Edwad de Bono`s “court”[/SIZE]

[SIZE="7"][COLOR="DarkRed"]The majority of mistakes in ordinary thinking (outside technical matters) are mistakes in perception. Our traditional emphasis on logic does little for perception. If the perception is inadequate no amount of excellence in logic will make up for that deficiency.
Perception is a matter of directing attention. If you are not looking in the right direction it does not matter how clever you are, you will not see what you need to see.[/COLOR]

[SIZE="6"]For myself I heard the most valuable words ever, when I had just left Pocklington Grammar school, pits Tucker the consciences objector Headmaster, had written to my father telling him he could teach me no more, which was correct has all I had done for the previous five years was to read comics and books during class`s also I had spent the previous four weeks playing truant and reading Simon Templar, So there I was approaching sixteen, hoeing a crop of turnips with four farm workers when I heard these vital words from a ploughman philosopher, “listen to everyone about everything and after thinking it through, make up your own mind about everything.”

O K what did you learn on Friday, the vital lesson was this, that an ordinary human being from an ordinary working class background, in East Yorkshire, who expected he would like to play professional foot ball, suddenly developed a passion for mathematics at fifteen years of age, thankfully his school masters encouraged him, he was transferred to Beverly Grammar school and passing all the relevant qualifications’ at a high level earned a place at Imperial collage London.

Where he obtained a Top degree, instead of seeking the high wages he was offered from industry, he chose to lecture in theoretical physics in his local university, this gave him the time to continue his studies and make personal friends the likes of Richard Fynman, so there we had a mathematician whose mathematical and physics grasp is at the highest levels regarding the world, a world standard ability, still working on high level maths problems.

Six or seven years since I approached him, in my frustration to make headway with what I already knew, that any child taught on any abacus developed a thorough knowledge of basic arithmetic, visiting a number of schools we still failed to make any headway. But he was able to bring his own family up to speed by using the Abacus,


Winston Hagston does not have any fear of the abacus, for a few minutes he had your full attention,

You have understood that it will be efficient to teach the times tables with it, but I feel you are still personally shy of it, which after all these years I fully understand.

You have said that you will write to various organisations giving us an introduction into teaching, teachers programs, and hopefully that will be a useful access to introduce the abacus into British schools.

Bringing Winston with me, did reduce my own time of explanation, but his demonstration of visual teaching was also very valuable, teaching in a practical manner. His grandson has just started teaching maths at the Beverly Comprehensive school, where he his shocked at the crude intimate language used by our local girls, what I am trying to do, is to get the two of them to combine in the production of a standard teaching manual carrying on from where my own work Stops.

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkRed"]My concentration is on the earliest teaching possible, just as quickly as language ability develops adequately, this means that mothers are most usually in charge in the period two to three years of age most common for adequate language development and therefore further natural intelligence development, which is clearly reflected in IQ results.
I view the teaching of early arithmetic as an essential right of every child on earth, for that end I have concentrated my attention on that process to the exclusion of every other consideration for fifteen years, I know that any child grasping the process and vocabulary of early arithmetic is vastly enabled to read quickly at the same time. I will not rest in my intention to introduce my version of the abacus to all schools throughout the world.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Seven year old children utilising an Abacus One in French would serve two purposes’ if it was to be introduced to British Schools, learning a second language and reinforcing previous arithmetic lessons,

In the longer term any abacus can be over written from English into any other language simply by the use of appropriate stickers.

Less than one hour of your life in reading and watching my developing Website, should bring you up to speed on a simple systematic method.


This could be The demonstration for SURE START.

[SIZE="7"]My perception.[/SIZE]

This is where you start from,
Hands together saying “please show me how”

Then the hands form Mr five and Mr six

Then show the back of the hands with three and eight touching. Saying three and eight keep them strait.

Then tap the fingers identifying each finger from one to ten. Simply tell the teachers this must be perfected,

Then tap your nose saying every one nose we have ten fingers and ten toes.
Go through the demo of 10—8—6—4—2

Explain here the sum a second process. Explain to teachers this must also be perfected.

This all a systematic sequence, nothing is difficult. Repetition and rhythm build permanent memory quite as easily as walking.

When introducing this to a school it can shown to the whole school for two weeks using the abaci first with the eldest children for two days, class below for two days and so on down through the school. It needs to be a whole school Event, in a sure start and kinder garden situation on a daily basis, also using it in a primary school reception to six years should suffice,


Always with system one every one can assimilate it easily.

If we establish something perfectly as with basic mental arithmetic in the subconscious, it is usable for life, raising the Childs measurable IQ but most importantly of all preparing the ground for easy reading.

I believe that we can establish a rapid visual chanting and showing routine for the sure start operation something, lasting about ten minutes but allowing new entry children to easily copy the older children, something of a routine nature builds the child`s memory of process and therefore cementing the child`s realisations of mental arithmetic.

I spent last week with a fifteen month old grandson who tried his best to show two thumbs up for Mr five and Mr six to alongside his older cousins, all the counting routines are demonstrated or explained On System One website.

I lost my farming business through a corrupt action by Midland bank and Unilever,(a four million pound investment) my work to give explanation of brain process` is already a gift to every child when governments finally understand just what I am talking about.

Selling Abacus One will be my families business in the years ahead they already have shares in Abacus and Alphabet.

Thanking you for taking an interest and your proposed introductions.

John Nicholson

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 06-04-2011

[SIZE="4"]Thinking logically.

Written the first of April 2011.

I cannot presume to consider this a piece of philosophy. (But)

I prefer to think of it, as a piece of serious thinking


What really is the most import thing that every human being is concerned with? Without any doubt whatsoever, it is tomorrow.

What is important about tomorrow? In logical terms it is the beginning of our human future.

As an individual, we all consider that human personal justice is vital, in basic terms (are we being treated fairly), this concept whether we are aware of it or not, at whatever level it may be within our consciousness, whether we are aware of it or not, occupies a great deal, of our human thinking, reflecting for only a few moments brings a realisation that individual justice, concerning ourselves apart from our physical problems is at the back of the motivation driving our daily lives and actions thereof, we individually may be obsessed with individual justice, especially when we consider that we are suffering from the actions taken by others, which prevent us from living our lives in the manner in which we seek to live them.

Instinctively, however our strongest instinct, far beyond personal achievement or wealth, is the instinct for tribal protection, whenever we are in danger, we will lay down our lives for our Nation, thousands of years ago Socrates said he was not a citizen of Athens but a citizen of the world, as proud as I am of my British ancestry And having been born on the day the Winston Churchill described as never in history have so many depended on so few, we have now reached a time in history where every one of us, has to think like Socrates, we are no longer citizens of any country or of any state, but citizens also of our world, and the rights of all citizens in our modern world are the rights that need to guide our human behaviour. Our perception of our world is entirely built on our experience, and our imagination. We cannot give the experience that we all need at an early age to the very young, even although that they may perceive to see the world as it is. But we can give, to every healthy child of our species, the very best ability to take from the world, what others are thinking by utilising our natural human imagination, and intellectual ability developed directly from understanding speech regarding our individual basic language, understanding arithmetic being able to visualise quantity in whatever circumstances we need to do this, but most of all by being in possession of reading ability within our own language, whereby we can consider the concepts contained within ideas and the physical forms of everything around us, alongside the circumstance of history that has created the world we live in, nothing is more important then that the imagination needed to build a fairer world. A world where individual justice, is the prime mover within all human behaviour. Our herd instinct and the choice of leadership, for our own national country should be the minimum right of all Men and Women.

Our early world history has always been affected by our perceptions of safety.

Dictatorships’ by people who take power into their own hands is no longer naturally tolerated. National populations have their own perception of what is needed to be done.

Only by communal awareness, are we likely to reach the correct decisions of who should lead us, communal awareness springs entirely from our perceptions of the world gained through education and experience, but every intellectual study regarding education, identifies the limiting factor on our education, as being restricted more by the level of our early basic skills than by any other factor.

Clearly in general terms the more economic advantage any family may have the better the level of basic skills take up.

I have given fifteen years of my life, in order that no healthy Child anywhere shall be prevented from having the very best numeric awareness possible, at the earliest age possible. To proceeding with the mental benefits from that early numeric awareness, so easily established in every child, to the systematic steps that all our species is capable of learning, through the simple exercise`s necessary to turn the 26 symbols we utilise in our alphabet into meaningful sounds and symbol recognition.

I refuse to be restricted by any member of any government in getting this message over to the general population of the world, never mind the general population of the United Kingdom. I intend to pressurise the two most responsible individuals regarding British education I can reach. Yourself and through you the Minister for Education Michal Gove. Should you fail to take the action necessary to prove or disprove my hypotheses. My last British action will be to contact every member of the house of lords again on my birthday the 15th of September TELLING THEM AND THE BRITISH PRESS just how stupid the six hundred and fifty MP`s are next door are.

We can prove it or not, simply by initiating trials, most especially in regard to children between the ages of three to six years of age, but more generally in regard to children between four years of age and the expectation of reasonable reading at seven years of age.

Why has it taken me fifteen years to do this? Simply because it had to be done thoroughly. Most importantly it had to be done in a manner whereby the teaching required was prescriptive.

Part of the experimental proving of my hypotheses, needs to be proven by taking groups of older children with below normal age abilities, in order that they may be brought to the minimal ability levels quickly, simply through ensuring that every vital step necessary for the child to understand arithmetic is in place. The arithmetic awareness, I consider to be vital, in the preparation of the neurological pathways essential in learning to read easily. Professor Winston Hagston and I, need to be involved in setting up these trials.

Why? So far the educational authorities/basic skills development have failed to deliver, but the new realisation that synthetic phonics carried out correctly will deliver reading ability for most children when properly applied through schools, is a major step forwards.



The vital steps in understanding early mental arithmetic ability, can easily be achieved by any teacher provided they follow the systematic essential steps in any reception class of four year olds. These reception class`s obviously contain children from all levels of family pre school training.

I believe that a well trained child utilising Abacus One in the reception class`s of any primary school where the child is taught basic arithmetic, following on from clearly becoming aware of the physical nature of the numbers one to ten, the name and number of every finger, able to identify every numeral and every word used to identify every number to ten, will easily learn to read using synthetic phonics even should it have no teaching whatsoever at home.

Parents need to be trained to follow simple systematic steps to insure that their own children are given the best possible start in life. Only by utilising one standard system will we ever be able to achieve this. System One 4 every 1 is my answer developed over fifteen years of intensive study relating to the universal requirements of every child. Showing that trained teaching staff are not essential, one days training is enough for every parent, teen age potential mentors and British MP`s.

Neither buildings universities or lack of trained teachers will prevent the worlds public teaching themselves in our future world, provided we simply show them how to count, how to create meaning from the sounds created by mixing twenty six symbols in one million words, providing every child with the ability to measure quantity, read and consider any concept in logical terms.

For your personal information I propose to send hard copies to our Prime Minister and Deputy Minister alongside publishing this letter on the OECD forum Heading “every child made perfect”

Yours Faithfully

John Nicholson[/SIZE]

Every human child made perfect - John Nicholson - 15-04-2011

[SIZE="5"]My Philosophy
From the moment I discovered the power of the Abacus, which was before I knew how it worked, my intention has been to understand it, and to ensure that every child on earth shall be able to utilise it and from there that they may learn to count well, read well, and think well..

To summarise my belief, it is that all knowledge is eventually the right of all men, for tis from others where all men may gather the bricks stones sand and cement to make the concrete sounds of proven knowledge, in order to create the knowledge we shall all have to utilise, in order to survive.

So it is simply my wish that every child shall learn to count easily and through that efficiency, to read systematically every letter and its alternative sounds building simple words where they understand the meaning, progressing through our language from the syllables utilised to create the meanings of one million words within the most modern and common language on the earth.

For those of us who search for understanding, the stepping stones are so well hidden that we must leave written guides as to where and why they are.

John Nicholson's fifteen years research, and consideration regarding human intelligence and its systematic utilisation.

If every child is born equal, where logic tells us that this will never be so, the teaching of every child can become the right of every child provided we systematically teach it to count utilising the visual meaning of quantity utilising the words carrying that meaning of quantity.

MY ABACUS ONE is my rent for seventy years on earth. It is impossible for all children to be born into equality, but Abacus one and the simple utilisation of my research will give every child on earth the ability to utilise our common species intelligence. Let every child be made perfect. Let every Child have the tools to build its own equality.

John Nicholson[/SIZE]