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Your child can count their way to reading and thinking logically if I simply show you - Printable Version

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Your child can count their way to reading and thinking logically if I simply show you - John Nicholson - 14-10-2010

Your child can count their way to reading and thinking logically if I simply show you how

John Nicholson [url=http://www.system-one-4-every-1.co.uk][/url]http://www.system-one-4-every-1.co.uk


You can think of the I as we Nick
Thank you Luis Urzua & THE THIRTY THREE

Your child can count their way to reading and thinking logically if I simply show you - John Nicholson - 28-10-2010

Abacus One Demonstrations and Explanations

With system one 4 every 1 we can teach any adult with or without reading ability to demonstrate how to teach their own and any child or any number of children how to use a written in words abacus.


Alongside this is a demonstration of overlying letters on an Alphabet map of letters, while chanting the alphabet and learning the names of low case letters perfectly. (In alphabet sound) We copy the way children simple assimilate written numbers on an abacus by putting small words on familiar objects E.G. fox box rat cat and hand. Creating words children naturally understand from picture or position, by dissecting the letter sounds children easily identify the phonetic sounds these letters create in combination, for instance the real sound of six is sicks. As far as the word one is concerned neither alphabet nor phonetic sound can create the sound we use for o-n-e. The simple assimilation of words used as number names prepares every child’s neural pathways for reading, automatic sound memories are subconsciously joined together with consciously learnt syllable sound memories, building a vast visual recognition of a sound/picture combined memory. Natural sentence comprehension provides assistance in building these visual sound codes.

Abacus One Demonstrations and Explanations
start page or pages

Abacus one is a unique combination of words and number representation`s, it provides an easily understood physical visualisation of our numeric system, utilising the numbers one to ten in columns representing place value. Simply by following visual pattern creations a child or an adult will come to understand arithmetic perfectly, its regular use from an early age will create in every child a perfect arithmetic visualization of mathematic process.


Simply by copying the pictures and instructions, we are now able to show any parent/teacher, in just a few hours, how to demonstrate the physical representation of adding, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers, to a child of three or any age, facilitating the human capability of copying and remembering any process by utilizing the mirror neurons we all in posses.

Abacus One can create over One Million possible questions giving One Thousand One Hundred and Eleven answers, by simply copying the physical processes on the Abacus One a child assimilates arithmetic understanding learning the words we use to describe those numbers and processes with adding subtracting division and multiplication becoming easily understood concepts.

Understanding the value of “System One 4 every I” as a universal counting reading and logical thinking program is better understood when one is clearly aware of the dramatic speed of comprehension that Abacus One provides for any student. The first group of visualizations clearly demonstrates the ease by which we understand physical division and multiplication of large numbers simply by using patterns.

Your child can count their way to reading and thinking logically if I simply show you - John Nicholson - 02-11-2010

Quality Early Learning Programs Reduce Violent Crime
Mississippi Law Enforcement Leaders Say Quality Early Learning Programs Reduce Violent Crime, Save Millions in Special Education Costs

Here is a well researched article concerning just one obvious result of better early education, but it clearly makes reference to the saving in time as regards remedial education, the short term lowering in cost of education generally , but the vital benefits to individual children assisting their advanced general knowledge, their personal pride in achievement, the sheer delight at being able to calculate at the speed of light, or their pleasure taken from reading and learning about the world around them, the absorption in the mental pictures raised when reading well written novels and biographies and the broader information available to competent readers is not even considered, early education at the appropriate time is just like switching on a bright light in the human brain.
Our general human failure to establish elementary reading and mathematics ability in all the world’s children in both the developed and the third world is basically a failure to understand our own species universal mental abilities to copy any and everything that we humans can do.