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research meets practice - Printable Version

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research meets practice - Christina - 04-07-2006

The Ulm Transfer Center for Neuroscience and Learning: http://www.oecd.org/document/6/0,2340,en_2649_14935397_34849734_1_1_1_1,00.html


research meets practice - Christina - 14-08-2006

The Ross School in New York provides an innovative model for integrating research with practice: http://www.ross.org/WebSite_98/index.asp

Building schools that are learning communities was an Educational Leadership theme in May of 2004: http://www.ascd.org/portal/site/ascd/menuitem.459dee008f99653fb85516f762108a0c

In discussions at the Ross school as well as in reflections from Educational Leadership, valuing diverse perspectives emerges as a core ingredient in building a learning community. Diversity is the raw material for creativity and is therefore necessary for change and growth.

Wheatley's emphasizes this in an Educational Leadership article: “We need to bring people together. Whenever I'm in a group now, I ask people to listen for the differences. This is not how we normally listen. The way we normally listen is to listen long enough to find people who agree with us. The minute we realize that they don't agree, we shut off and we start correcting them in our head.”

What else can we do to help us learn to really listen to one another?


research meets practice - Christina - 18-08-2006

The Landmark School in Massachusetts provides another example of integrating research with practice.

Learn about The Landmark School: http://www.landmarkschool.org/index_flash.htm
Learn about The Landmark School’s research branch: http://www.landmarkoutreach.org

All best wishes,