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Myelin is essential for good action potential. - Printable Version

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Myelin is essential for good action potential. - segarama - 10-04-2006

April 10, 2006
Good MorningSmile

We know that myelin covers the neuron's axons and other vital areas of nerve cells. Myelin is made by the oligodendrocytes which rap around the axons in the CNS and the Schwann Cells in the PNS. Good read retrieved from the internet directed to the site at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VRT-4JMKTGB-R&_coverDate=04%2F04%2F2006&_alid=388738006&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_qd=1&_cdi=6243&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=3bcc98acdcf48f459171418a71df1ebe and url: http://www.mssociety.org.uk/what_is_ms/index.html
Url: http://www.myelin.org/


Myelin is essential for good action potential. - geodob - 11-04-2006

Hi RobSmile ,
I would just like to restate your words:
"Myelin is essential for good action potential."

So essential, that without it any of it, the only words that could describe it, are Brain Dead?
It is really something that everyone should know about?
Where basically it is the insulating coating for our brains neural network.
Where any deficit causes a short-circuit.
Myelin is essentially made up of 'Fat'.
Most of our brain, is in fact a big lump of 'Fat'.
But the crucial thing, is that it is a special type of fats; long chain fatty acids; DHA and EPA. Which need to be consumed in our diet.
Though they are only found in the oils of deep sea Fish.
If not supplied in the diet, then a shorter chain fatty acid; ALA can be substituted. But I wouldn't recommend using this to wire your house, as you'll suffer from ongoing short-circuits. As it degrades very quickly.

Their have been numerous research reports that have identified that a dietary deficit can contribute to developmental learning difficulties.
Where an increase in consumption, can contribute towards overcoming such difficulties. It is also critical for ongoing re-wiring of the brain through the process of 'aging'.
So remember to feed your brain as well as your stomache?

Myelin is essential for good action potential. - segarama - 11-04-2006

April 11, 2006

Good AfternoonSmile

MS and other neurodegenerative disease that are subject to the autoimmune betrayal does not always destroy all of the healthy cells and other organs thus leaving intact some good cells and enough action potential [potential] to live a fairly normal life with medication and a salubrious lifestyle.

Leading you to a very important read and study is a hyperlink to a url online. Please take the time to "look see"; it is very educational.......
Be well,
Hyperlink open:
Nodes of Ranvier are regularly spaced gaps in the myelin sheath around an axon or nerve fiber. About one micrometre in length, these gaps expose the membrane of the axon to the surrounding liquid. The myelin sheath as well as the nodes were discovered by French pathologist and anatomist Louis-Antoine Ranvier (1835-1922)

An action potential is the sharp electrochemical response of a neuron that has been stimulated, or whose membrane potential has been changed by a nearby cell or an experimentor. In an action potential, the cell membrane potential changes drastically and quickly as ions flow in or out of the cell. The action potential "travels" from one place in the cell to another, but ion flow occurs only at the nodes of Ranvier. Therefore, the action potential signal "jumps" along the axon, from node to node, rather than propagating smoothly, as they do in axons that lack a myelin sheath. This is known as saltatory conduction.

Myelin is essential for good action potential. - segarama - 11-04-2006

April 11, 2006

Good Afternoon,Smile
A more difficult read for those who are ready to move ahead in the quest of the Node of Ranvier....and ions along with action potential....Url retrieved today and can be found at their hyperling url....Url: http://www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v4/n12/abs/nrn1253_fs.html;jsessionid=D913A2E473599693964EC0978F11B870

Myelin is essential for good action potential. - Christina - 14-04-2006

The effects of demyelination on motor neurons: http://www.myelin.org/diseasesinbrief.htm


Myelin is essential for good action potential. - segarama - 18-04-2006

April 18, 2006

Good morning,

This is one of the best reviews of the brain that I have come across. You can find this material at the Url on the internet with the hyperlink of: http://www.siumed.edu/%7Edking2/ssb/neuron.htm#myelin