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Immune and Autoimmune Systems - Printable Version

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Immune and Autoimmune Systems - segarama - 02-04-2006

April 1, 2006

Good Afternoon,Smile

The immune system helps to protect us from viruses and other foreign bodies....The autoimmune sytem can turn on the good cells and destroy them....what makes this happen is one of the objectives of this thread. First first we need to review the immune system. Remember the brain and body are a system and one thing tends to affect the other.
Retrieve from the internet today...good read.
RobSmile URL: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/final/immds/immdeff.htm

Immune and Autoimmune Systems - segarama - 02-04-2006

April 2, 200

Good Morning,

Memory and learning cannot function normally when the myelin coverning the axons are cracking and degenerating.....Retrieved today from the internet is an excellent article regarding the autoimmune system and microglia cells......Since areas in the brain are attacking themselves in some cases....and in other cases the same cell(s) are curing the self imposed attack, what is causing this. We must look to the brain for answers, but they may be found anywhere along the brain system i.e., CNS, PNS etc. etc......
Rob URL: http://www.biopsychology.com/index.p...arch&x=12&y=18
URL: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/final/immun/immun.htm
URL: http://www.biopsychology.com/index.php?descType=always&id=Good+cell%2C+bad+cell&type=search&x=40&y=15

URL: http://www.biopsychology.com/index.php?descType=always&id=57&type=keyword&page=0

Immune and Autoimmune Systems - segarama - 08-04-2006

April 8, 2006

Good MorningSmile,

Is MS a autoimmune disease? What happens? Well if MS is an autoimmune disease then the immune system falters and the cells attacked themselves along with foreign substances that are usually killed by the immune system. You see in the case of the immune system the glial cells and schwann cells help fight disease....but when the autoimmune system causes a serious problem then the oligodendryte that myelinates the axon of the neuron is destroyed along with the myelin that is supplied by the oligodendryte in the CNS and the Schwann cell in the PNS[myelination].
This is research that really is under intense study.

Immune and Autoimmune Systems - segarama - 29-04-2006

Retrieved from the internet today. VERY GOOD READ.
URL: http://science.howstuffworks.com/immune-system.htm/printab


Immune and Autoimmune Systems - segarama - 05-05-2006

May 5, 2006

Good MorningSmile

This is a very good read regarding MS and how it might get a kick start...
URL retrieved today.....URL:http://www.hhmi.org/news/edwards20060501.html
Be well,