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Important: School reform - Family reform, more so. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Important: School reform - Family reform, more so. (/Thread-Important-School-reform-Family-reform-more-so)

Important: School reform - Family reform, more so. - segarama - 09-03-2006

March 9, 2006

Good MorningSmile,

We know in medicine that certain symptoms usually mean there is an underlying problem with the person.

How many more symptoms do we need to see that school reform must go hand and glove with family reform. Let talk about this since....that is the tough question that parents and educators avoid....and especially school boards.
Be well,

Important: School reform - Family reform, more so. - segarama - 09-03-2006

March 9, 2006

Good MorningSmile,

Who spends most of the day with your child? Someone in a school system or day care system most likely. We justify this...because we want to do so. Have you noticed in the past several years and more that people are reluctant to show sincere interest in others, but politically we make sure to let others know we are thinking of them...even to the point that we hire firms to send out holiday cards and things so that we can say that we are thinking of you. Think about it..........Most teachers care and get yelled at by parents who are demanding that their child be more like them.....Think about it.


Important: School reform - Family reform, more so. - segarama - 09-03-2006

March 9, 2006

Good MorningSmile,

Who is in charge of school reform? Do you know? Does your school superintendent know? Does you school board know? Who is in charge....or....I should say...."Is anyone in charge"?

Maybe there is a school reform committee appointed by someone....to do what? I don't know. Do we get to give viable imput to school reform? ...and if we do get to give viable imput to school reform....to whom do we address our concern. Does your state legislature know about school reform? I wonder if school reform for special needs children is underway and who do we give imput to.....................?????

Important: School reform - Family reform, more so. - segarama - 09-03-2006

March 9, 2006

Good AfternoonSmile,

Why are the school years so difficult for the special needs children. Many years of stress and no one can really tell me the reason for all of the stress. Have you ever had a severely autistic child age 7 have to take an IQ test even though we knew it would be low....Is it to challenge the child....is it to find anything out about the child that everyone does not already know. Or is it part of the rule and regulations setforth for funding.....? I imagine that is probably what it is.....We are really dumb parents and grandparents who did not stop this cold...Too bad our legislators are too busy with higher deeds to be done than write legislative that would help kids....rather than help the flow of money from the state or the federal government....

While as superintendent of schools I would never allow this to happen to a special needs child or any other because it does not serve the interest of the child, but only the interest of the law makers whether they be the board of trustees or state or fed.
Let's be practical and caring toward our children...not restrictive and noninclusive.....treat them the way they should be treated.....
Is this risky for a superintendent to do what he or she thinks is in the best interest of the child. Of course it is...but do it anyway....
Be well,

Important: School reform - Family reform, more so. - geodob - 11-03-2006

Hi RobSmile ,
I think that you answered your own question about: Who's in charge of school reform?
Of course it is the Finance Dept.