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We are ready to talk about stem cells. - Printable Version

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We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 02-03-2006

March 2, 2006

Good daySmile,

Is it possible that some tumors spread because of the stem cells that may be encompassed in the tumor. I was reading this is in a scientific magazine when the interrogative was broached. What do you think?

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 05-03-2006

March 5, 2006

Good MorningSmile,

Stem cells are relegated to power and politics....a most likely cure to many of our most servere childhood diseases and adults also.....It will stay there until moved......
Be well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 05-03-2006

March 5, 2006


The rich may vote not to use embyronic stem cells, but you can be positive that they will go where they [embryonic stem cells]are available (without the worry of cost) inorder to save their child or relative or themselves. Sounds harsh doesn't it.......but the "far right" and the "far left" cannot deny this in good faith.
Be well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 08-03-2006

March 8, 2006

MorningSmile New York Times video and article retrieved from the internet 3/8/06. Please view stem cells and cancer.
URL: http://video.on.nytimes.com/ifr_main.jsp?nsid=b-51bd0788:109da8c69b5:14ac&rf=null&st=1141835355109&mp=WMP&cpf=true&fr=030806_112923_w51bd0788x109da8c69b5x14ad&rdm=364363.7683761766

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 12-03-2006

March 12,2006

Good MorningSmile,

Vol.19/february'06 no.1 of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute has very good articles this issue about stem cells et al. The cover story is called A Cell's Second Act...Researchers set out to understand neclear reprogramming to revert adult cells to medically useful embryonic stem cells. This is not just water cooler talk...this is serious business that could be a major break through in amelioration of degeneration and disease.
Be well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 12-03-2006

March 11, 2006

Good Morning,Smile

Interesting read on stem cells.....retrieved March 11, from the internet.
Be well,
RobSmile URL: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3302/06.html

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 15-03-2006

March 15, 2006

Stem cell research is getting as much security as homeland protection.....Retrieved from the internet this day. Url....http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3209/04-related.html
Be well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 18-03-2006

March 18, 2006

Good MorningSmile,

When we talk of stem cells on the west coast we immediately think of Dr. Gage from the Salk Institute. We can learn a great deal from him so I retrieved this url on March 18, 2006....Be sure to turn up you computer speakers. When you use the hyperlink...Dr.Fred Gage will appear...release hyperkink under Dr. Fred Gage titled Stem Cells: The brain's beginning. That will take you to another site where you use the hyperlink on the left side of the screen titled Stem Cells: The brain's beginning....60 min.
Rob URL: http://www.ucsd.tv/greymatters/scientists-gage.asp

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 20-03-2006

March 20, 2006

Good MorningSmile.

Interesting Url on stem cells retrieved today from the internet. Url: http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/news/press_releases/NY_stem_cell.html
Be well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 09-04-2006

April 8, 2006
Good EveningSmile,

Good read on stem cells can be found at the San Diego Union Url on April 8, 2006.
RobSmile URL: http://signonsandiego.printthis.clickability.com/pt/cpt?action=cpt&title=SignOnSanDiego.com+%3E+News+%3E+Business+--+Stem+cell+institute+maps+out+strategy&expire=&urlID=17834986&fb=Y&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.signonsandiego.com%2Fnews%2Fbusiness%2F20060407-9999-1b7stems.html&partnerID=621

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 10-04-2006

April 10, 2006
Good MorningSmile
Lets talk about embryonic stem cells...undifferentiated cell that can form almost any organ. Take a look at this url forn early this morning and you will find it very educational.....url: http://www.news.wisc.edu/packages/stemcells/


We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 10-04-2006

April 10, 2006

Good MorningSmile,

Very interesting news regarding UCSD and Austrailia forming a biotech team. This could really be a good. The collaboration will focus on stem cell research. Scientists from the University of California San Diego and Australia will work together on stemm cell projects under an agreement expected to be announced this morning. According to the newpaper, San Diego Union-Tribune....April 10,2006

Geodob, if you hear anything over there, please let us know. This would really make a great stem cell team.

UCSD, Australia form biotech team

Collaboration will focus on stem cell research

By Terri Somers

April 10, 2006

CHICAGO – Scientists from the University of California San Diego and Australia will work together on stem cell projects under an agreement expected to be announced this morning.

Edward Holmes is representing UCSD at BIO 2006.
With the annual gathering of the world's biotechnology industry as a backdrop, Steve Bracks, premier of Australia's state of Victoria, is expected to announce that 300 scientists from the country's Stem Cell Centre, its largest university and UCSD will join forces in one of the hottest and most promising areas of scientific research.

Stem cells have the potential to develop into every cell type in the body, making bone, blood, nerves and all other tissue. Around the globe, universities and research institutes are scrambling to establish or strengthen stem cell programs because science has shown that stem cells might be triggered to grow into cells damaged by devastating diseases or stop their progression.

“California is fast becoming the hub of stem cell research in the Northern Hemisphere and the memorandum of understanding between the UCSD and Australian Stem Cell Centre will result in two of the world's leading centers working together on future projects and discoveries,” Bracks said in a statement being released today.

Part of what is making California a hub is the voter-approved initiative that could bring $3 billion to the state for stem cell research.

Proposed areas of cooperation include basic human embryonic stem cell biology, neurological disorders, treating blood disease and transplant tolerance, cardiac regenerative medicine, and the repair of lung disease and diabetes through pancreatic regeneration.

Officials from UCSD and the Australian Stem Cell Centre and Monash University are hopeful their combined brainpower will rival those of similar collaborations around the world.

The foundation for the joint effort was laid several years ago when UCSD stem cell researcher Larry Goldstein began working with Dr. Alan Trounson from Monash University in the state of Victoria, said Edward Holmes, UCSD's vice chancellor for Health Sciences. Holmes is representing the university today at the BIO 2006 conference.

During the past year, the dean of Monash University's medical school and the director of the Australian Stem Cell Centre in Melbourne visited UCSD to discuss a possible collaboration, Holmes said.

The state of Victoria is giving $38 million to Monash University to create the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, said John Brumby, Victoria's minister for innovation. The money will benefit the collaboration and show Victoria's commitment to becoming an international stem cell hub, Brumby said.

With matching philanthropic and private investments, the total funding for the university's stem cell center is expected to exceed $100 million, Brumby said yesterday.

The state of Victoria, like California, has half of its country's biotechnology infrastructure. It is making $200,000 immediately available so scientists can begin traveling between the two countries, Brumby said.

UCSD has no money to contribute to the effort, but hopes to secure funds from grants, philanthropists and foundations, Holmes said.

Already, Trounson from Monash and Goldstein, a Howard Hughes medical investigator at UCSD, are working together on a major grant application to develop tools for human embryonic stem cell research, said Edward Byrne, dean of the faculty of medicine, nursing and health sciences at Monash.

None of those involved in organizing the collaboration knows whether it might benefit from California's $3 billion stem cell initiative known as Proposition 71, including Holmes, a member of the board that oversees the initiative. Funding remains stalled because of litigation challenging the initiative's constitutionality.

UCSD recently joined with The Burnham Institute, the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and The Scripps Research Institute to announce their commitment to form the San Diego Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, which will bring pre-eminent scientists to conduct stem cell research. As a group, the institutes plan to seek Proposition 71 funding, when and if it becomes available.

Holmes was not sure how the consortium would affect the collaboration with Australia.


We are ready to talk about stem cells. - geodob - 11-04-2006

Hi RobSmile ,
That was a most interesting article, and it's good to see this collaboration being developed. The potential implications from stem cell research will no doubt change the face of medical practise?
With the potential for regeneration of cells and organs?
I wonder if one day, the practise of surgery and transplants, will be looked back upon as a rather primitive practise?
I'll keep you posted about any interesting reports I get here.

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 16-04-2006

April 16, 2006
Good Morning,
Very interesting read from the Michael J. Fox stem cell new....regarding California and it's legislative hand-up..........retrieved today from internet. Url: http://www.michaeljfox.org/news/article.php?id=248&sec=4

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 19-04-2006

April 19, 2006

Stem cells will continue to be on the front burner for years to come....maybe even through this next century. But we are learning a great deal about stem cells and this is the time for all teacher and neuroscientist to get on board with the learning of the vocabulary and the intended uses of stem cells.
The following hyperlink will take you to the url found on the internet. Url: http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/S/Stem_Cells.html

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 23-04-2006

April 23, 2006

Good MorningSmile

.....and California is in the stretch and heading for the first quarter mile.
Retrieved today from internet: Url: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/04/21/ap/tech/printableD8H4MI0O2.shtml
url: http://www.the-scientist.com/news/display/23342/
Be well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 25-04-2006

April 25, 2006

Good morningSmile,

Stems cells: Hyperlink to stem cells url on the internet: URL: http://www.stemcellresearchfoundation.org/About/FAQ.htm
Be Well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 03-05-2006

May 3, 2006
Good MorningSmile

Retrieved from the internet an url on stem cells....We are reviewing inchoate 'prior' learning' which will give us time to reflect or begin from new. It is a very good url.....Url: http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 05-05-2006

May 5, 2006

Good MorningSmile

Very interesting read....retrieved from the internet today...URL: http://www.the-scientist.com/news/display/23355/

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 13-05-2006

May 12, 2006

Good Afternoon,Smile

I have a Google search for the Alliance for Stem Cell Research in Los Angeles. This particular search shows a number of urls retrieved from the internet just now.....Please save them and share with your friends....this forum reaches all over the world [at least the 30 nations belonging to OECD].
The time is now....to get on with it......URL: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Alliance+For+Stem+Cell+Research%2C+Los+Angeles&btnG=Search

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 12-06-2006

June 12, 2006

Good MorningSmile

Well, this url retrieved again today from the internet is very important. Stem cells as we know come in many forms. The embryonic stem cells can differentiate into most all organ forms while other stem cells are limited in their differentiation. It is amazing to see the progress not only in the indentification of types of stem cells but what cells they are being found. As I have mentioned before...and now the research has excellerated .....watch the glial cell. We can no longer mention the neurons alone without including the glial cell. The importance of the glial cell may, I say may have a contribution in the multipotent form of stem cells with restricted differentiation...but this is important.
URL: http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/S/Stem_Cells.html

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 23-06-2006

June 23, 2006
Happy 92nd Birthday, MOM!!!!!!

Good MorningSmile

Great url on stem cells retrieved today from the internet....URL: http://www.stem-cell-research-articles.com/

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - Christina - 30-06-2006

"Stem cells taken from mouse embryos have helped paralyzed rats move again, U.S. researchers said on Monday. The study was the best evidence so far that controversial embryonic stem cells might be used to treat people with spinal cord and other traumatic injuries, the researchers said. "This study provides a 'recipe' for using stem cells to reconnect the nervous system," Dr. Douglas Kerr of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said in a statement...."

Read more at:

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 08-07-2006

OECD expert Wrote:"Stem cells taken from mouse embryos have helped paralyzed rats move again, U.S. researchers said on Monday. The study was the best evidence so far that controversial embryonic stem cells might be used to treat people with spinal cord and other traumatic injuries, the researchers said. "This study provides a 'recipe' for using stem cells to reconnect the nervous system," Dr. Douglas Kerr of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said in a statement...."

Read more at:
July 8, 2006
Good MorningSmile,

The UK stem cell initiative makes for interesting reading, however it is long....the enclosed hyperlink will take you there. You can select your own reading of the initiative or the short press release. The United Kingdom claims that they are the world leaders in stem cells....and indeed they may be so.....I am very concerned about US policy toward stem cells and urge scientists and politicians to move our program along. Retrieved [url] from the internet today.

(Sorry must cut and paste to reach this url).

December 2005:

UK Stem Cell Initiative: Report & Recommendations
Accompanying press release

Be well,

We are ready to talk about stem cells. - segarama - 10-07-2006

July 10, 2006

Stem cells are important...retrieved from the internet today.

Please read......URL: http://www.royalsociety.org/news.asp?year=&id=4769
Best, URL: http://www.stemcellschina.com/content/view/177/97/