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  Fact or fiction: Interpreting neuroscience from the media carefully
Posted by: Christina - 05-09-2006, 07:19 PM - Forum: How the Brain Learns - Replies (2)

Much neuroscience in the media is something like fact dressed up in a bit of fiction. This thread is intended to help you interpret information about neuroscience critically.

A very common misinterpretation revolves around the false assumption that correlation implies causation. For example, consider the following article, which links obesity in toddlers with lower IQ scores: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2...083106.php. In this example, the study reveals only a correlation between the two factors. Does this mean that it is possible that obesity in toddlers could have cognitive consequence? Sure. Is this an interesting hypothesis worth looking into further? Certainly. However, does this correlation conclusively imply that obesity in toddlers has cognitive consequences? No. There are many other plausible explanations. For example, it is also possible that there are linked genes underlying obesity and certain cognitive capacities, in which case they would have a related origin, rather than obesity causing a low IQ score. Then, of course, the use of IQ score as a measure of meaningful cognitive abilities is also debatable.

Have you read an article or seen something on TV about neuroscience that you thought might be questionable? If so, post it here and we will help you interpret it.


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  need advice, suggestions
Posted by: TerryW - 28-08-2006, 10:17 AM - Forum: How the Brain Learns - Replies (2)

I was doing some online research and found this forum, maybe you can help me figure out what to do.

I'm the mother of a 20 yr old young woman who mentally did not mature with her peers. She started socially at about the 5th grade, became more noticeable in the 6th grade. Couldn't keep up with the school work, didn't understand much of it. In 6th and 7th grade she was still pretty much under the protection of her teachers, which I was always in close contact with all during her school years. 8th grade though was a different story, there is was sink or swim and she was sinking fast. I had had evaluations done all through her elementary school years, was always told she was enough above the level to keep her out of special education. She did get special help with math and reading in the 2nd and 3rd grades. She was very slow to talk as a toddler, could not pronounce full words, had a hard time controlling her tongue for the L, D, G sounds. She started speech therapy in kindergarten (actually I had her going to a speech therapist at age 3 at the hospital, didn't help though). She had a very good speech therapist in first grade, which she repeated. This all put her behind in learning to read, she was in speech therapy through the 4th grade. In 8th grade I moved her to a charter school that had very small class sizes and lots of one on one help, they had her evaluated again and this time she was diagnosed by the school district psychologist as emotionally disabled and she then qualified for an IEP which is something I wish she could've had starting early in elementary school. She did struggle through high school, was picked on by other kids, did not fit in, did not think like they did, because she has remained very childlike in many ways. And this is the way it is now at age 20. If you talk to her long enough you would see that in many ways mentally she has not matured, her voice even still sounds like a little kid. If you talk to her on the phone you'd have no idea she's a 20 yr old woman. She does not drive, has no desire to, and at this time I would fear for her life if she were driving. She was able to get a job working 6 hours a day weekdays bathing dogs at a groomers, who is an old friend of mine otherwise she was unable to get a job just through normal job interviews alone. As during her school years, I have to take and pick her up from work (we live 10 miles out of town). She wanted to work at a child daycare center and had applied to them all, she relates very well with very young children. She got teary eyed during one interview.

So now that you have a condensed version of her background, my question I guess is how can I get a true diagnosis - that doesn't cost and arm and a leg. I feel her brain didn't fully develop, like it stopped at a certain age, one of her teachers at the charter school explained that her brain is wired differently. I did some research on dyslexia and she fit many of the symptoms. We put her through a week long Davis Program through a facilitator in Sedona at the beginning of her senior year. It helped some, it cost $2000. I'm looking at EFT (http://www.emofree.com) and also sound therapy, anything to get the brain rewired to allow her to be her age.

I get very frustrated, she drives me crazy a lot of the time, I know she can't help it but you get tired of being a mom after you've done your time!

Any suggestions? I'm getting desperate. I want her to be able to be her age, not locked in this childlike state of being. I want her to be a happy normal independent adult with a future, to be able to carry a conversation with someone her age on the same level. I'm not going to be around forever, at this point in time I can't imagine what would happen to her if something happened to me. She has only one friend.
She needs help and I don't know where to find it.

Thanks for reading and any comments or suggestions are much appreciated!

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  Genetics and the brain
Posted by: Christina - 23-08-2006, 09:03 AM - Forum: How the Brain Learns - Replies (19)

The fastest evolving gene in the human genome may be linked to brain development: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/bein...n9767.html


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Posted by: Christina - 22-08-2006, 06:44 PM - Forum: Live from the Classroom - Replies (4)

Exercise is very good for the brain as well as the body: http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenew...althNews-2

How are you ensuring that your students get enough exercise? Do you make classroom lessons active? How? Do you take your students out of the classroom?


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  Community building activities
Posted by: Christina - 27-07-2006, 05:11 PM - Forum: Live from the Classroom - Replies (2)

Community building activites:

Actively cultivate respectful, supportive relationships among students, teachers, and parents. Supportive relationships are the heart of community. They enable students from diverse backgrounds to bring their personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences into the classroom. Supportive relationships help parents, especially those who would otherwise feel vulnerable or uncomfortable, take active roles in the school and in their children's education.

Emphasize common purposes and ideals. Along with academic achievement, schools with a strong sense of community stress the development of qualities essential to good character and citizenship, such as fairness, concern for others, and personal responsibility. Everyone shares an understanding of the school's values, which then shape daily interactions.

Provide regular opportunities for service and cooperation. Students learn the skills of collaboration, develop wider and richer relationships, and experience the many satisfactions of contributing to the welfare of others.

Provide developmentally appropriate opportunities for autonomy and influence. Having a say in establishing the agenda and climate for the classroom is intrinsically satisfying and helps prepare students for the complexities of citizenship in a democracy.

*From Schaps (2003), "Creating a School Community," Educational Leadership, 60(6): 31-33.

Based on your experience in the classroom, does this seem like an appropriate approach to you? What techniques do you use to build a sense of community in your classroom?

Best wishes,

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  Need help to give a training to a old teacehrs paradigm
Posted by: Ruth Solaiman - 24-07-2006, 09:00 AM - Forum: How the Brain Learns - Replies (1)

Hi, ...

My name is Ruth Solaiman. I was a director of one national plus school in Serpong, Indonesia. Now I'm doing my thesis at SUNY BUFALLO, NY

I really like brain base learning to apply in many classroom in Indonesia.
Before i do that, i should have some ice beaker activities how brains bse learning is a very good method to apply it to the classroom.

I have 3 hours training session to the old paradigm teachers.
Who have an experience and an example how to deliver a very engaging presentation (training) to the teachers? I need some input or idea.

Thank you

Ruth Solaiman

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Posted by: Christina - 12-07-2006, 02:31 PM - Forum: Live from the Classroom - Replies (2)

Education classroom resources: http://www.nsf.gov/news/classroom/education.jsp

This page provides links to lessons and web resources for teachers, students, and parents. Most of these resources come from the National Science Digital Library (NSDL), an online library of resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.


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Posted by: Christina - 11-07-2006, 02:09 PM - Forum: How the Brain Learns - Replies (3)

Is adolescent drug and alcohol use disrupting learning in your classroom?

Read about a recent study on the affects of alcohol on the adolescent brain:

What do you think can be done to discourage these self-destructive behaviors?

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Posted by: Christina - 10-07-2006, 05:10 PM - Forum: How the Brain Learns - Replies (1)

The brain retains significant plasticity throughout the lifespan.

"A man who was barely conscious for nearly 20 years regained speech and movement because his brain spontaneously rewired itself by growing tiny new nerve connections to replace the ones sheared apart in a car crash...."
Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory?id=2151256


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  Principles to guide education philosophy and practice
Posted by: Christina - 04-07-2006, 05:02 PM - Forum: Live from the Classroom - Replies (10)

Four key principles to guide elementary education philosophy and practice:

Learning should be child centered. The facilities, curriculum and teaching methods should be developmentally appropriate and responsive to individual children's strengths, interests, and learning styles. Experiences in self-direction, making choices, and taking risks help children develop into confident, independent, life-long learners.

Learning should be active. Children learn best by doing things themselves. They should be given opportunities to explore and discover the world, to use a variety of materials, and to participate in activities and experiences that help them construct knowledge for themselves. Challenges, questions, encouragement, and time for reflection help them integrate and apply their understanding. They emerge as critical thinkers and problem solvers.

Learning should engage the whole child. Children have emotional, social, moral, physical, intellectual, and creative needs, and all of these needs should be addressed in the learning environment. Learning that embraces the full scope of children's lives is rich and meaningful. Children who are encouraged to experience all that the world has to offer develop habits of openness, curiosity, and joy in learning and doing.

Learning should have purpose. Children need to master the skills of analysis and communication, as well as those of living and working with others. Teaching them to respect all living things and connecting their lives to the larger context of community helps them become sensitive and informed citizens. They develop perspective and judgment, and are empowered to act.

What are your thoughts on these?

These principles are displayed on The School in Rose Valley's website. The School in Rose Valley is a small, independent school in the US (and one that is very near to my heart). Learn more about The School in Rose Valley at: http://www.theschoolinrosevalley.org

All best wishes,

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